Do you have thoughts of suicide and find handles to deal with this? BackUp provides guidance with several tools that can help to overcome a crisis or to prevent another crisis. Also if you want to help someone with suicidal thoughts, you can use BackUp to work.Gather important contacts among my backups: in an emergency you can instantly send a text message. Make BackUp cards of activities that you can undertake yourself to calm at difficult moments. Fill your BackUp Box with photos, music, quote and appointments in the future to look forward to. For the Safety Plan a roadmap to get through a crisis. Or help someone else back on top by being someones BackUp.You can use the app itself. Would you rather fill it with a friend, counselor or social worker? Also can. Read more about it on app is not a substitute for professional care. If you think about suicide, we strongly urge you to contact a professional counselor. A conversation with the doctor can be a first step. BackUp is a part of